Opening for Board Nomination

The Board of Directors of Mazaya Real Estate (Q.P.S.C) is pleased to announce to the shareholders the opening of the nomination for the board of directors membership for the next Three years (2023, 2024, 2025) and that’s starting from Monday January 09th 2023 until Monday, January 23rd 2023 at 2:00 pm in accordance with the following conditions: –

1- Not be under Twenty-one Years old with full capacity

2- Not have been sentenced to criminal penalty, or a crime against honor or integrity, or any of the crimes stipulated in Articles (334) and (335) OF LAW No. (11) of 2015 as amended promulgating commercial Companies Law, or have been bankrupted, unless been rehabilitated.

3- Be a shareholder owning, when elected, or within thirty days from election date, (500,000) of the company’s shares. Such share shall be deposited to the Depository within sixty days from starting date of membership with prohibition from trading, mortgage or seized until the end of membership period, approved on the last budget of financial year of doing business. Such Share shall also be allocated to ensure the rights of the company, shareholders, creditors and third parties for the responsibility of the board members. If the member does not provide the guarantee as mentioned, his membership becomes invalid. The Independent Member shall be exempt from this requirement.

4- The candidate for the Board membership shall provide written acknowledgment stating not undertaking any legally prohibited job position to combine it with the Board membership.


. The candidate must meet the conditions in the nomination application, companies law No.11 2015 as amended and the governance code.

Shareholders wishing to be nominated for the board of directors membership must submit the required forms to the Secretary of the Board of Directors at the company’s headquarters located on the 10th floor of the Tornado Tower before the date of closing the nomination process.

The required forms are available on the company’s website (Investor Relations Section) and with the Secretary of the Board of Directors.